June 16, 2016 | Stories
Safe, Secure Transport for Ashley

"Ashely is a true Baler fan." — Vanessa Laurie
Ashley Laurie is a 16-year old teenager who is diagnosed with Rett’s Syndrome, quadriplegia, and ataxia. She lives with her parents and younger siblings in Hollister and she is described as "a true Baler fan". In 2014, Ashley underwent posterior spinal fusion to help with progressing scoliosis. Her post-surgical back precautions impacted her transfers in and out of the family van significantly. Ashley’s mother Vanessa is the primary caregiver for her daughter and desperately needed help.
With a grant from the Martin Rajkovich Children’s Fund, and additional support from San Andreas Regional Center, a hydraulic lift now allows Ashley to remain in her wheelchair for a safe, secure transport, maintaining quality of life and allowing this young women to engage in additional activities.