Our Team
Committed to
a Vibrant Future

Director of Finance and Grants
Tracy Taggart

Executive Assistant
Meg McCullough

Epicenter Manager
Carly Zanger

Community Relations Manager
Nikita Vora Johnson

Community Foundation Epicenter Receptionist
Kahea Gonsalvez

Community Foundation Epicenter Receptionist
Gloria Alvidrez
Our Board of Directors
Dedicated to Serving
San Benito County

Business Owner, Hollister Super
Chang So, Chair

Community Leader
Rebecca Medeiros Wolf, Vice Chair

Retired Business Owner, Redmond Transportation
Brent Redmond, Vice Chair

Retired Business Owner, True Value Hardware
Fernando Gonzalez, Past Chair

Principal, Grace & Associates, CPA
Mike Grace, CFO, Treasurer

Retired Business Owner
Alan Clark, Secretary

Business Banking
Phil Fortino

President, True Leaf Farms
Vince Brigantino

Business Owner, Felice Consulting Services
Damon Felice

Retired School Teacher
Dohn Larson

Community Leader
Beverley Meamber

Community Leader
Mickie Solorio Luna

Attorney, Farmer
Bill Tiffany

Retired Educator
Jose Zepeda

Retired School Teacher
Gerry Wright

Retired Public Servant, Small Business Owner
Margie Barrios

Retired Engineer
Larry Barr

Past Board Members
Founding Board Members - 1992
Antonio Aguirre - through 1994
Richard Anderson - through 2006
Leonard Caetano - through 1995
Nenette L. Corotto - through 2011
Arnold R. Fontes - through 2008
Fernando Gonzalez - current
Raymond E. Mariottini - through 2003
Mary S. McCullough - through 2010
Madeline A. Nelson - through 1994
Irma Rodriguez - through 1994
Haven E. Van Huesen, Jr. - through 1994
Edward Stephenson - through 2017
Sonny Paullus - through 1996
Ron Domingues - through 2003
Gene Bourdet - 1993 - 1998
Susan Paura - 1999 - 2003
Bill Ladd - 2000 -2003
Paul Levy - 2000 - 2004
Bernie Furman - 2000 - 2010
Steve Perricone - 2002 -2004
Dori Hoyle - 2002 - 2006
Anne Morris - 2003 - 2013
Jim Paxton - 2003 - 2016
Steve Merrel - 2004 - 2006
Sandy Rose - 2004 - 2015
Millard Strohn - 2005 - 2007
Scott Fuller - 2006 - 2008
Bob Bianchi - 2006 - 2008
Kathy Johnson - 2007 - 2011
Diane Ortiz - 2010 - 2015
Mike Sanchez - 2010 - 2012
Kathy Flores - 2011 - 2016
Enrique Arreola - 2013
Ed Stephenson - 1992 - 2017
Steve Hudner - 2004 - 2018
Alfonso Castaneda - 2016 - 2018
Victor Gomez - 2018 - 2019
Gene Zanger - 2016 - 2019
Bob Tiffany - 2003 - 2020
Kay Filice - 2009 - 2020
Susan Schwabacher - 2011 - 2020
Chris Breen - 2015-2020
Marilyn Ferreira - 2007-2022
Kathleen Sheridan - 2020-2024