National Philanthropy Day
A Special Day of Community Spirit
Last event date: Thursday, November 14, 2024
Each year, the Community Foundation for San Benito County proudly celebrates National Philanthropy Day. Approximately 45 local community volunteers are honored at this event, complete with introductions of the honorees and Proclamations by representatives from San Benito County and the City of Hollister.
We’d like your organization to join this celebration of community spirit - a chance to step briefly into the spotlight and remind our communities, our society, and the world that the spirit of giving is alive and well.
Event Details
National Philanthropy Day 2024
Thursday, November 14th, 2024, from 5:30PM to 8:00PM
Hollister Elks Lodge - 351 Astro Drive, Hollister, CA 95023
Dinner is $50 per person. To pay by cash or check, contact the Foundation or send by mail to Community Foundation Epicenter @ 440 San Benito Street, Hollister, CA 95023.
Completed registration forms with full payment must be sent by October 21, 2024.
Submit Nominations
Recognizing Local Heroes
Submission Deadline: October 21, 2024
All nominations should be made following the instructions in the Guidelines.
Nomination Guidelines
Only one honoree per organization. A husband and wife team is also permitted. You may also nominate a group or organization, but only one (1) person may stand and be recognized during the presentation.
You will need to submit a script which will be read introducing the honoree. Due to time constraints and recognizing the need for all organizations to be acknowledged during the event, there is a 100 word limit to the script.
Script Example
"We are grateful to honor John Smith for being instrumental to the success of YMCA’s Annual Campaign Drive. The YMCA has been in this community for six years, helping to build strong kids, families and communities. John’s energy and passion for children in general sets him apart as a major champion of our organization’s efforts to be financially stable to focus on our mission and purpose. We thank John for carving time in your life to give us endless hours of hard work making it possible to continue to serve the families and children of San Benito County."
The Community Foundation will create a slideshow to be shown at the event. You must send an electronic photograph of your nominee to be included. (4 MB maximum, JPG or GIF format only)

2023 Philanthropy Day Honorees
Since we began hosting a National Philanthropy Day event in 2001, we’ve honored hundreds of citizens for their leadership role within the community. Each year the list of honorees grows longer as more of our neighbors and friends step up and make change happen.
The Foundation would like to congratulate those individuals who were awarded in 2023:
ASJB Community Schools Foundation - John & Jackie Ferreira
BenitoLink - Alan & Bonnie Clark
CASA of San Benito County - Kristen Wynn
City of San Juan Bautista - Heidi Balz
Community Action Board - Tonia Sunseri
Community Food Bank - Glynis Crabb
Community Foundation for SBC - Fred Matteson
CSDC - Robert Ruvalcaba
Emmaus House - Rhonda Kathryn Dynneson
Friends of SBC Library - Tami Aviles
HDA - Teri Escamilla
Hazel Hawkins Hospital Foundation - Dr. Ralph Armstrong
Jovenes de Antaño - David Rochelle
Latino Coalition of San Benito County - Richard Perez, Sr.
Pinnacle Quilters - Ingrid Leitenberger
R.E.A.C.H. SBC Parks Foundation - Anita Kane
Rotary Club of Hollister - Bill Tiffany
Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista - Jessie O'Malley Solis
San Benito Arts Council - Heidi Balz
San Benito County Business Council - Shawn Herrera
San Benito County Chamber - Teknova & Infinity Staffing
San Benito Health Foundation - Dr. Erika Ceballos & Dr. Yazmin Gomez
San Benito County Historical Society - Wes Leiser
San Juan Bautista Library Auxiliary - Laura Frieberg
Spirit of San Juan Bautista - Monica Lopez Ramirez
Sun Street Centers - Cecilia Sa
United for San Benito - Shawna McKenzie
Women's Club of Hollister - Jeanna Liem
YMCA - Mallory Schmitt
Youth Alliance - Elvira Zaragoza Robinson
Youth Recovery Connections - Michael Salinas