San Andreas Conference Room
Plan an Event
Nonprofit, community, and service organizations are able to reserve the Epicenter's San Andres Conference Room to host an event. If you are interested in reserving the Conference Room/Patio space for your next event, please read the information below and complete the Event Request Form.
If you have any questions, please call 831-630-1924 or email [email protected].
Check Room Availability.
Room Set Ups

Banquet Style
Seats up to 42
Black Linens available upon request.

U Shaped Style
Seats up to 22

Board Room Style
Seats up to 24

Theater Style
Seats up to 50

Seats up to 24

Workshop Style A
Seats up to 36

Workshop Style B
Seats up to 30

General Guidelines
Room Rates
The San Andreas Conference Room is free of charge to nonprofits, community groups, and service organizations for meetings, trainings, or workshops, however, donations to cover the costs of maintaining the building are greatly appreciated.
Meetings held outside of normal business hours may be subject to a $25 reimbursement charge should the key administered not be returned within a week after the event.
Key Pick Up
Epicenter building hours are from 8AM to 5PM Monday through Thursday and 8AM to 4PM Friday. After business hours and on weekends, our building doors are automatically locked.
Meetings scheduled after hours will require a key fob. Organizations must assign a person of contact that is responsible for picking up the key the week of the meeting, arriving early to the meeting to allow guests to enter the building, cleaning up after the meeting, and returning the key fob to the Epicenter manager or Community Foundation Staff.
Failure to return a fob within a week after the meeting will result in a $25 charge to the organization for reimbursement.
Parking is available anywhere on the street in downtown Hollister as long as it's within the 3 hour parking time. Cars may also park in the Briggs Building parking garage. You must enter the parking garage from the alley entrance on Monterey Street.
Room Set Up
Your are responsible to inform the Epicenter Manager of necessary set up needs for your event.
If you are using the A/V equipment and/or WIFI, you are welcome to test the equipment prior to your meeting. We advise, for meetings requiring tech use, to schedule your event for at least 45 minutes before in order to conduct proper testing. For events scheduled over the weekend, a trial run for equipment prep must be scheduled during the week before (preferably the Thursday or Friday before the event).
Alarm/Security (over the weekend events)
The building is set up with a security system that will go off when the doors are opened (even with a key). The person who picked up the key for the event is responsible for disarming the alarm system and turning it back on once the event is over and everyone has left the building. Instructions on how to turn on/off the alarm will be given when the key is picked up.
Guest Entrance
The entrance to the Conference Room is through the back patio gates. The gates are accessible through a pathway on the left side of the building and from the back of the building.
The representative of the organization that received the key is responsible for opening the back gate and door that connects to the Conference Room for their guests. They are also responsible to turn off the alarm system.
A sign will be placed on the front door of the building to let guests know to enter through the back. Guests are not to wander into the rest of the building. Do not attempt to open the double doors located past the kitchenette/ bathrooms that lead into the reception area.
Food and Beverages
You are responsible for your own catering arrangements. Food and beverages may be served, however, all food and beverages must be removed immediately upon the conclusion of your event. Please throw all waste in the appropriately labeled receptacles in the kitchenette. Please do not leave any food in the refrigerator or in the kitchenette.
Events serving alcoholic beverages may be subject to submitting a form with proof of insurance.
The Epicenter is a smoke-free environment. There is no smoking in the building or on the building grounds.
Clean up
You are responsible for general clean-up after your meeting. Cleaning supplies are available in the kitchenette. Please, return the room as you found it. If food has been served, tables and counters should be wiped and trash emptied into the trash cans located in the break room. Do not leave behind any open or unopened food in the meeting rooms or kitchenette area.
A clean-up check list is provided for your convenience.
Clean up Checklist:
- Food and beverages removed
- Tables wiped down
- Trash emptied into outside dumpster
- Tables and chairs returned to original set up
- A/V equipment shut down
- After everyone leaves, turn on alarm
If damages occur while using the Epicenter, the organization using it will be held liable.
By booking and using the space, the organization or individual using it hereby fully discharges and agrees to indemnify the Community Foundation for San Benito County and the Epicenter for any and all known claims of liability, including but not limited to all death or deaths of or any injury of injuries to any person or property, that are asserted against the Community Foundation for San Benito County and Epicenter arising upon said premises or from its use of the space.
By hosting an event at the Epicenter, you are agreeing to all of the above claims.