Martin Rajkovich Children’s Fund
Benefiting critically or chronically ill children
Through the Martin Rajkovich Children's Fund, we offer grants designated to benefit critically or chronically ill children living in San Benito County. This bequeathed fund is permanently endowed and is used to enhance the quality of life and well-being of a child by providing extra support that’s not otherwise available or open to the family.
Mr. Rajkovich’s last wish was to establish a special permanent fund that brings joy and comfort to sick children and their families.
Enhancing Quality of Children’s Lives
Giving to the Martin Rajkovich Children's Fund is an excellent way to help support the most vulnerable population of our community. The Fund is permanently endowed and is always open for contributions.
Gifts of any amount may be given to this fund to directly support critically or chronically ill children across San Benito County.
Grants are available year-round. Learn more about the eligibility requirements and how to refer a child.

“With the support of the Martin Rajkovich Children's Fund at the Community Foundation, we were able to get him a gait trainer. Now, Jack can stomp in the leaves, run towards my husband, his sister, and me to give an excited embrace, and independently navigate his world without an adult an arm's length away.”
– Melissa Preader, mother of grant awardee Jack Preader

“This is the first modified vehicle the family has ever owned. It is an awesome blessing! I am deeply grateful to the Community Foundation for helping to make this possible for us.”
– Karen Miller, mother of grant awardee Amy Miller