October 12, 2016 | Stories
Website Highlights Philanthropy In San Benito County

As online communication has rapidly evolved over the years, the Community Foundation for San Benito County (CFFSBC) recognized the need to adapt and broaden our online presence. While the way the viewer experiences online websites, especially nonprofit websites, has quickly changed, the CFFSBC website had stagnated. For some time now, we acknowledged that our website needed to be more simplistic, easier to navigate, and tell a more impactful story.
A modern website in 2016 reflects responsiveness, invokes engagement, and adds value to the organization's overall brand identity. While our website, which was developed in 2008, served as a great resource for information and content storage, it required a significant amount of time to explore pages, with an endless number of clicks.
Our determination to serve as a philanthropic leader in San Benito County for our donors, professional advisors, nonprofits, community groups, and residents aims toward building and improving the community. Improvement begins with strong communication. The challenge for our organization was transitioning from the way we communicated in 2008 to a new and more effective way of communicating our mission and vision to all stakeholders today.
Over the past eight weeks, we partnered with Design By Cosmic, a full service creative agency based out of Santa Cruz. The appeal for the Community Foundation was in the creative partnership during the project between our staff, board, and the agency, in addition to gaining expertise in design, storytelling, and strategy. The process, in many ways, allowed our organization to look at the way we communicate internally and externally more profoundly. The team had candid and constructive conversations about the legacy of our organization and discussed how we can move our brand identity and online presence forward in the next three to five years.
We invite you to view our website: givesanbenito.org.
Whether you’re a nonprofit, donor, volunteer, or resident, we are interested in your feedback as we are set to begin Phase 2 in the near future. Your feedback and insights about your experience on our website will help guide the direction of our website.
Please take a few minutes and fill out our survey.