December 27, 2018 | Stories
Corporation Gives Back to Community

"This is one of many great ways corporations can give back to the community." — Gary Byrne, President/CEO
“Giving Back Starts at Home,” a local promotion by Anderson Homes, was all wrapped up in time for the holidays, and Ashleigh Anderson, Director of Charitable Giving, is proud to report that they raised over $10,000 for the community!
With each house that closed between October 1stand December 15th, homeowners chose one of four local charities to receive a $500 donation, and then Anderson Homes added a bit more (in the spirit of generosity this holiday season) bringing the total to $13,500. Last week Ashleigh presented a check for $2,000 to the Community Foundation’s Grants and Projects Manager, Salina Chacon.
Anderson sold a total of 19 homes during this period, and four nonprofit organizations received a donation: Community Foundation for San Benito County, BenitoLink, Chamberlain’s Children Center, and San Benito County Arts Council.
The gift will help provide future grants to local nonprofits from the Sonny Paullus Fund. President/CEO Gary Byrne said, “This is one of many great ways corporations can give back to the community.”