November 29, 2016 | Stories
Sober Living Locally

"Coming to live in this house has been such a blessing." — Monica
Monica, a trained nurse and mother of three, was searching high and far for a place to live that would support her in her recovery from methamphetamine, but none of the services she was looking for existed in Hollister. “I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I’d have to leave my family, and I put myself on waiting lists for programs in San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Salinas because there were no recovery programs in Hollister.”
All that changed in June of 2016 when Sun Street Centers, a non-profit originally based in Salinas, opened a Sober Living Environment (SLE) for women and children in Hollister. The program, which is housed in a beautifully updated Victorian home, allows women, who have recently completed a substance abuse treatment program, to live in a safe and supportive environment with their children. The program is unique because SLEs are usually only geared towards adults, making it hard for mothers who have young children. “I am so glad the SLE opened when it did”, says Monica. “I don’t know where I would be or whether I would still be in recovery if it weren’t for this house.”
To increase the services for individuals and families with substance abuse issues, Sun Street Centers plans to open a women’s treatment center in San Benito County in the near future. To support drug and alcohol treatment in San Benito County, you may make a donation to the Sun Street Centers Stewardship Fund at the San Benito Community Foundation.