October 4, 2018 | Stories
Philanthropy Day Tradition Continues

The 17th annual National Philanthropy Day Dinner Celebration on Thursday, November 15, 2018, will honor volunteers from all sectors of the community who help make San Benito County a richer place in which to live. The evening will highlight the accomplishments of nearly 50 volunteers, successes large and small, by individuals, businesses, and nonprofits.
Last year, the Aromas-San Juan Bautista Community Schools Foundation was one of 42 local nonprofits who choose to participate. Paul and Laura Stampleman had been an active part of their Foundation for over 30 years, providing moral, physical, and financial support to students, staff, and the Foundation. Thanks in part to Paul and Laura’s commitment, the Schools Foundation has raised and spent several hundred thousand dollars towards enhancing children’s education, particularly visual and performing arts and science camp.
The Community Foundation is asking nonprofits to nominate a volunteer and then join us for the celebration in November. Inspirational stories, like the Stamplemans, provide an opportunity to honor each nominee and thank them for their achievements. A Nomination Form is required, along with a narrative and photo of the nominee. A separate Dinner Reservation Form for up to eight participants must also be submitted. The deadline for submission of both forms is Friday, October 12, 2018.
National Philanthropy Day is a celebration of our community and the work that is accomplished by hundreds of dedicated volunteers. The evening provides people a chance to be inspired by others and to formulate a personal vision of philanthropy. The Community Foundation for San Benito County looks forward to this annual tradition and learning about the latest accomplishments of so many volunteers.
Additional information is available by contacting the Marketing Communications Coordinator, Sharlene Van Rooy, at 831.630.1924.