July 3, 2018 | Stories
Latino Students Receive Scholarship Awards

“You are getting ready for adult life—work, work, work. The fun comes after.” — Lepe Maldonado, Committee Chair
The Hollister Community Center is used weekly by Jovenes de Antoño to serve their senior clients nutritious meals, but on Thursday, June 14th,the center was used to present seniors, from a different generation, their scholarship awards. The Community Foundation for San Benito County(CFFSBC) hosted the 2ndAnnual Latino Generations Scholarship Awards with members of the Latino Generations Committee making the presentations.
The Committee worked diligently throughout the year to raise $25,000 for scholarships. With 52 worthy applications submitted, the committee was faced with difficult choices, ultimately narrowing the field of applicants down to 15 students. Committee Chair, Lupe Maldonado started the presentation with praise for all the students but then reminded them, “You are getting ready for adult life—work, work, work. The fun comes after.”
Committee members, Hilda Baldovinos, Jose Zepeda, and Ana Maria De Alba made the presentations to the students after reading a brief story about some of the hardships these young adults have faced in their lifetime. CFFSBC Board Member, Kay Filice, was in the audience and was moved by the stories. “It is heartwarming to see these accomplished young people, all of whom have overcome incredible hardship and adversity to get to this point--they are so deserving.”
Emmaclaudia was raised by a single mom, along with three other siblings, and with help from the community, she is ready for the next part of her life. Emma said, “I’ve always been an overachiever, and I look forward to this challenging journey.”
After Hector’s mother died, he worked alongside his father as a laborer. He said, “I was always dreaming of a career that would challenge me.” He is going to Chico State to earn a degree in Computer Science.
Not able to speak English, Rolando came to the US alone at the age of 14 and soon realized, “Education is the key to success and opens doors.” Rolando will be attending college to earn a degree in Law & Government.
Anthony learned quickly that as a single parent of two girls, he is the protector. “I am focused on changing the future rather than reflecting on the past.” Anthony is working on his Bachelors Degree and wants to work with at-risk youth.
Each student spoke briefly, thanking their parents and the Latino Generations Committee. They are all so grateful, especially to the Hollister community for their support in their struggles. Some of the parents also used the opportunity to praise their children. Señior Servin spoke with so much passion for his daughter; one did not need to understand Spanish to know that he is a proud father. Translated he said, “Now is the time to fly—use this opportunity to fly as high as you can!”
The Latino Generations Committee wishes all of this year’s recipients a successful journey as they travel on their chosen path to higher education, and they are looking forward to hearing about their discoveries along the way.
If you would like to make a donation to the Latino Generations Scholarship Fund, please click here.