November 7, 2017 | Stories

Taking Action And Leading By Example

Taking Action And Leading By Example

Raul Ceja, our Digital Media Specialist, sat down on a crisp morning with the new head football coach at Anzar High School, Kollin Kosmicki, to talk shop about the 8-man team.  After an article about a San Juan Bautista football team holding a car wash fundraiser in the community was published online, the Community Foundation wanted to gain more insight into Kosmicki’s efforts. At the crack of dawn, Ceja and Kosmicki jumped straight into their conversation and discussed how Kosmicki’s career shift has granted an opportunity to take action and lead by example, with a focus on organizational culture.

The main goal as coaching staff, Kosmicki shared, is to emphasize the core values of the sport, which are commitment, teamwork, and winning. Kosmicki said, as he pulled out a clip board of the team’s roster, “My biggest mantra from the outset has been commitment and what it takes to truly commit yourself to a team and yourself”. Kosmicki understands the level of importance, as he was a former high school football player, and shares the following, “the lessons of the game transcend and carry with you through-out your adulthood.”

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The fundamentals of teamwork are at the root of what sustains a strong football team because it enables discipline, maturity, and loyalty. Currently, the coaching staff and team players are developing strategies to have a winning season. It’s common to have doubts about the Hawk’s being a winning football team but as Kosmicki says, “Our team is a goal-oriented team and we as staff believe in the group. We’ve determined, together, that our goal is to have a winning season.”

The team has earned its support from Dona Esther’sEarthbound FarmHappy RoosterHollister PaintPizza Factory, RJR RecyclingRosso’s FurnitureRoyal Circuit SolutionsTiffany FordWindmill Market, and many community residents.  All together the team has raised approximately $6,000. Close to mid-season, the Anzar High School Football team is still in need of financial support to cover operational cost. The goal is to raise $12,000 before the end of the season which will be directly applied toward transportation, equipment, and field lighting.

As they wrapped up their conversation, Kosmicki told Ceja, “I really do want to stress that any sort of attitude change at Anzar football is due to a range of people and that I'm just part of that group.”

Kindly, consider supporting the Anzar High School Football team before the season ends by donating to the Anzar High Booster Club or donating online at Anzar High Football Fundraiser.