January 21, 2016 | Events
Community Cares About Public Art & Culture

The Community Foundation for San Benito County published an article on BenitoLink in January titled “Public Art Mural Gains Support,” which included an eight-question survey. We would like to give a special thanks to all the survey respondents, as an astonishing total of 184 responses were received within the span of five days. We would also like to take a moment and thank public officials and local artists for contributing to the success of the article and survey responses by posting and sharing them on their Facebook page. The survey will continue to remain open for those local residents who have not had an opportunity to complete it.
The survey findings indicate that public art in Hollister should be timeless, supported by an overwhelming 144 out of 179 respondents. The same number of respondents also indicated the role of public art is to beautify the community. When local respondents were asked about the level of support from community leaders, public officials, and organizations in public art, 94 out of 178 answered, “Somewhat." When asked about the types of public art in Hollister they would like to see, the top three responses were Historical (150), Cultural (131), and Interactive (83). The top three locations of where respondents would like to see public art were in Parks (165), Downtown Hollister (164), and City Buildings (119).
Key findings, from open-ended questions 7 and 8, suggest that there is an active community that cares about public art and culture in Hollister. When asked to describe a vision for public art and culture in Hollister one respondent said, “Art that shows the community working together for a better future." Another respondent suggested, “I would love to have an art scene in our community. Artist [sic] playing music at local restaurants, local artists displaying art work in galleries and/or businesses, and people in our community be open to all different types of art.”
When respondents were asked how they would like to be involved with public art, one respondent said, “I would like to be in a supportive role!” Another respondent suggested, “As a non artist I would attend art events and give donations to support the arts.”
Mars Hill Coffeehouse at 7 p.m. We invite the community to have an open discussion about public art and culture in Hollister. Local poet, author, and talk show host Rachelle Escamilla will moderate public dialogue and encourage you to share your vision for the City of Hollister. The Community Foundation will provide free coffee and good vibes.
Do you want to know what topics we’ll be discussing on public art and culture open forum night? View Below. Do you want to make sure your voice is heard regarding a specific topic? Arrive early, sign-up for your topic, and enjoy your coffee.
If you would like to see an increase of public art like the current project north of Hill Street on San Benito Street, you may donate to the Arts and Culture Endowment Fund (please contact the Community Foundation for more information).