Memorial Scholarship
Martha Metzger Fine Arts Scholarship

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Martha Metzger Fine Arts Scholarship
This scholarship is dedicated to the memory of Martha Metzger who was a very talented Hollister resident. Prior to residing in San Benito County, Martha had experienced many successful music appearances such as a lead singer in her own band, traveling with a USO tour in Vietnam, performances with a number of well-known bands, and recordings at the Herb Alpert recording studio. As a resident of Hollister, she continued to pursue her musical talents by singing locally at nonprofit events and church, and she added songwriting and photography to her repertoire. She also started to write a blog/book about her experiences in Vietnam. Martha allowed herself to be very expressive in her creative passions, and the purpose of this scholarship is to encourage other gifted students to pursue their talents and creativity in the field of fine arts.
Eligibility Requirements
- Graduating high school senior residing in San Benito County
- Demonstrates a passion for music, film, photography, drawing, painting, journalism, or ceramics
- Plans to expand and develop their artistic talents through their higher education
- GPA 2.0 or higher (recommended)
A Complete Application includes:
- Scholarship Application
- 2 letters of recommendation (one from a staff member who teaches in the area of the applicant's talent, and one from a community member knowledgeable about their talent)
- Personal Statement (1 1/2 - 2 pages double spaced) regarding aspirations for your future
- An Essay describing the talent you want to pursue with details about the goal and steps for achievement.
- Transcript (official or unofficial)