September 30, 2016 | Stories
Rebecca is Given Back Her Life

"I am today a strong, beautiful woman." — Rebecca
My name is Rebecca. I live in the Emmaus House. I will be exiting very soon, for good. I came in this house after being abused in so many ways–worst emotionally beaten. I had two abusers. I remember coming in the house thinking, “I am never going to smile again.”. . . I felt like pond scum underneath a rock, no self-esteem for myself and needed help in the worst way. I was afraid, scared, and terrified, but made that call to the house and was accepted with my daughter.
I came in here not who I usually am. Three years before, I had my own home, worked hard, laughed, smiled, and even volunteered at several elementary schools. Without this house and the women staff members, I know I would not be where I am at today. They were my backbone when I could not stand, my eyes and fingers when I cried and felt depleted and weak. . . . Little by little, I could stand tall with their help, support, and guidance and big push to give me self-esteem. I could never give enough praise for giving me my life back.
My life. I say that proudly. . . . I appreciate the safe haven I was given. I stand as a proud woman back where I was years ago. . . . What a gift this house was and still is. Without it, I’m not sure where I would have been. I felt safe and supported with staff and my fellow sisters in the house, and I take them with me in my heart. . . . We were all once broken, but now we are like oak trees when we leave. We have a solid foundation and with every piece of our life we get back, our branches grow and create. And yes, we blossom and bloom.
“I am today a strong, beautiful woman,” and I will support this house in any way. . . . My life has changed directions, [and when I move out], I will find domestic violence shelters, and I will work, volunteer, or advocate for the same things because it is necessary. . . .Thank you and loving regards to all the staff, anybody who has donated to the house, educated members, the current residents, and the community who helped in the process to make Emmaus House happen.
Emmaus House opened on
October 23, 2006 and on September 12, 2013 their 1000th client
walked through their safe harbor door. Your donations enable the Community
Foundation to support Emmaus House and other organizations with similar safety
net services.