March 12, 2020 | Stories

Nonprofits Play Key Role in Success of Census Count

Nonprofits Play Key Role in Success of Census Count

Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau releases data that offers a glimpse into how households are changing in San Benito County.

The data collected provides a snapshot of our community and helps define challenges and opportunities for nonprofits and the clients they serve. Obtaining an accurate count and understanding of how our population has changed in San Benito County since 2010 is critical.

As our population grows, we have a vested interest in ensuring that our community continues to have access to funding, services, and representation impacted by the Census count.

The decennial Census count on April 1st is the determinant for funding of our most essential programs for the next ten years. The government uses Census data to inform funding decisions like infrastructure (better roads), executives identify communities where they might want to expand their business (more jobs), and nonprofits determine the need for local programs (meals and groceries).

We have more than 170 nonprofits who provide services and programs for people who live in San Benito County. Given the importance of this Census, nonprofits need to advocate for an accurate and inclusive count to help meet the needs of San Benito County— a community that traditionally has a large undercounted population. In 2010, the largest undercounted population was children under the age of five.

Many people in San Benito County already know and trust one or more of our community nonprofits. They may bring their child to a nonprofit childcare center, see a doctor at one of several local clinics, receive job training, or even a free meal. Without inventing a new program and with very little additional funding, these nonprofits can act as a powerful vehicle for education about the importance of participation in the Census.

If nonprofits use their trusted relationships with the community, people are more likely to listen and to participate in the Census. Help spread the word so that everyone in San Benito County is counted.

The time is now. Help shape the future of San Benito County, by responding to the 2020 Census. The U.S. Census Bureau will mail a 12-digit Census ID to your home, and then you can complete the Census online.