January 11, 2017 | Stories
"Give San Benito" Inspires Local Giving

The Community Foundation for San Benito County initially launched our “Give San Benito” campaign in 2011. At that time, Stephanie Hicks, Director of Development and Outreach for the Foundation said, “The whole purpose is to think local and give local. The campaign is for everyone: from seniors who live here, to commuters who leave here. This is our home, this is where we live, and this is where we want people to give.” Today, the message is still the same, “Give where you live!”
To help emphasize the importance of giving locally, the “Give San Benito” street banners, with six messages in English and Spanish, will make a second appearance in Downtown Hollister. The banners, originally created by Schipper Design of San Juan Bautista, feature real people with quotes about why they give where they live. Hicks said, “We have thousands of people who leave our community every day to work elsewhere, so we wanted an easy way for those commuters to understand the needs right here where they live.”
The Community Foundation has also launched a new website and changed our URL to GiveSanBenito.org. The name, alone, is a reminder to think locally when planning future gifts, but the website also includes beautiful images of San Benito County, as well as personal stories, to help inspire local giving. GiveSanBenito.org provides a central place to discover the ever present needs of our community and to make a donation. With a list of Specialty Funds, Fields of Interest, Family Funds, Nonprofit Funds, and Scholarships, donating back to the community where we live could not be easier.
GiveSanBenito.org also connects donors with nonprofits, enabling everyone to fulfill their life-long philanthropic goals. The website includes a directory for organizations that serve San Benito County, including a brief description and contact information. The list is all inclusive, even nonprofits that don’t have a web presence, helping potential donors to research an organization before making a contribution.
In the past five years, through the generosity of our partners and donors, the Community Foundation has been able to award 418 grants, totaling $2.4 million, to nonprofits who make a positive impact in our community. Giving is for everyone and every dollar helps make a difference in San Benito County. By giving to this beautiful place that affords so much, we are investing in a better quality of life for ourselves and others.