May 8, 2017 | Stories
Experience the Power of Philanthropy Through San Benito GIVES

The Community Foundation for San Benito County has a history of giving back to the community, and our core work is helping donors achievetheir long-term charitable giving goals through a variety of opportunities including San Benito GIVES, a 24-hour online day of giving.
On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, the Community Foundation will use the Power of Philanthropy to help transform the lives of our friends and neighbors through donations from the community–individuals who come together to support a local cause. Whether the donation is $20 or $200, these individuals will make a significant impact.
This year, the Community Foundation has chosen to highlight the Women’s Fund, Homeless Services Fund, Latino Generations Endowment, and Community Impact Grants. Choose your passion and make a donation, For Good…For Ever!
The Women’s Fund is dedicated to empowering women to come together with a shared vision, creating a lasting impact in the lives of all women and girls in San Benito County. The Women’s Fund has awarded more than $140,000 to organizations within San Benito County who support impactful programs and services in the areas of violence prevention, economic self-sufficiency programs, and teen empowerment.
Our newest fund is dedicated for Homeless Services. One of the biggest successes achieved by the former San Benito County Homeless Coalition was reconnecting homeless people with their families. While this represents just 5% of the population, the Community Foundation is working with the Hollister Police Department and taking on these small battles. As the fund continues to grow, other much needed services will be considered to help with this ongoing problem.
The Latino Generations Endowment was created to cultivate the Latino community in leadership, education, and advocacy toward advancing the Latino population in San Benito County. A permanent revenue source provides funds for the most pressing needs in the community, as well as scholarships for students. Last year the first scholarships were awarded, and eight Latinas are now realizing their dream of a higher education.
Community Impact Grants advance our vision of a healthy, vibrant community for all residents of San Benito County–67 grants totaling $442,782 were awarded to nonprofits in 2016, addressing community needs in one of the following Fields of Interest: Agriculture & Environment, Arts & Culture, Community Enhancement, Economic Development, Education & Youth, and Health & Social Services.
Join us Tuesday, May 16, 2017 and exercise your Power of Philanthropy!