December 1, 2022 | Stories
30 Years of Philanthropy

This year marks the 30th year for the Community Foundation for San Benito County! The Foundation was originally founded by a group of people extremely passionate about helping their community. Since 1992, the Foundation’s board and staff has been dedicated to the mission of building a stronger community and enhancing the quality of life in San Benito County through the support of philanthropic activities. But, what does it mean to be philanthropic? Phil·an·throp·ic: adjective, (of a person or organization) seeking to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money to good causes; generous and benevolent. The Community Foundation is for San Benito County. The welfare of its community has always been the utmost importance.
The Community Foundation serves as a bridge between donors and local nonprofits to make sure the needs of its community are being met. The Community Foundation for San Benito County is one of many Community Foundations throughout the US that are doing important work across a wide field of interests, such as health and human services, youth and education, environment, agriculture, arts and culture, and economic development. Grants and donor-advised funds are set up with the intent for nonprofits to receive donations. The Sonny Paullus Grant Fund, named in honor of Founding Board Member Loren Franklin “Sonny” Paullus, has alone awarded more than 500 grants to local nonprofits, totaling over $4.3 million dollars.
One of the most important ways the Foundation sustains its philanthropic mission is through the generosity of donors who share the same commitment to our community. Offering simple solutions, the Foundation provides an easy and flexible way to meet a donor’s giving goals by establishing a charitable fund. Donors can also give to an already established fund that resonates with their interests to make sure the great work accomplished by nonprofits in our community continues into the future –for good, for ever. The Foundation’s long-term goal for donors and nonprofits has been to build a permanent home for itself, where it houses individual, family, scholarship, business, community, or nonprofit funds. And this year, the Foundation did just that, moving into its permanent home, “the Epicenter,” which offers a place for community organizations to co-locate and collaborate.
With the array of interests the Foundation encompasses, it is easy to find your passion and get inspired to help. Giving back locally strengthens and enhances your community in ways that are not feasible otherwise. Whether you work here, have your business here, or raise your family here, you should be proud to call San Benito County your home, and leaving a lasting impact through your generosity is the best way to show your gratitude.